/* * fancybox - jquery plugin * simple and fancy lightbox alternative * * examples and documentation at: http://fancybox.net * * copyright (c) 2008 - 2010 janis skarnelis * * version: 1.3.1 (05/03/2010) * requires: jquery v1.3+ * * dual licensed under the mit and gpl licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html */ (function(b) { var m, u, x, g, d, i, z, a, b, p = 0, e = {}, q = [], n = 0, c = {}, j = [], e = null, s = new image, g = /\.(jpg|gif|png|bmp|jpeg)(.*)?$/i, s = /[^\.]\.(swf)\s*$/i, h, i = 1, k, l, h = false, y = b.extend(b("
")[0], { prop: 0 }), v = 0, o = !b.support.opacity && !window.xmlhttprequest, j = function() { u.hide(); s.onerror = s.onload = null; e && e.abort(); m.empty() }, p = function() { b.fancybox('

the requested content cannot be loaded.
please try again later.

', { scrolling: "no", padding: 20, transitionin: "none", transitionout: "none" }) }, k = function() { return [b(window).width(), b(window).height(), b(document).scrollleft(), b(document).scrolltop()] }, t = function() { var a = k(), d = {}, f = c.margin, o = c.autoscale, t = (20 + f) * 2, w = (20 + f) * 2, r = c.padding * 2; if (c.width.tostring().indexof("%") > -1) { d.width = a[0] * parsefloat(c.width) / 100 - 40; o = false } else d.width = c.width + r; if (c.height.tostring().indexof("%") > -1) { d.height = a[1] * parsefloat(c.height) / 100 - 40; o = false } else d.height = c.height + r; if (o && (d.width > a[0] - t || d.height > a[1] - w)) if (e.type == "image" || e.type == "swf") { t += r; w += r; o = math.min(math.min(a[0] - t, c.width) / c.width, math.min(a[1] - w, c.height) / c.height); d.width = math.round(o * (d.width - r)) + r; d.height = math.round(o * (d.height - r)) + r } else { d.width = math.min(d.width, a[0] - t); d.height = math.min(d.height, a[1] - w) } d.top = a[3] + (a[1] - (d.height + 40)) * 0.5; d.left = a[2] + (a[0] - (d.width + 40)) * 0.5; if (c.autoscale === false) { d.top = math.max(a[3] + f, d.top); d.left = math.max(a[2] + f, d.left) } return d }, u = function(a) { if (a && a.length) switch (c.titleposition) { case "inside": return a; case "over": return '' + a + ""; default: return '' + a + '' } return false }, v = function() { var a = c.title, d = l.width - c.padding * 2, f = "fancybox-title-" + c.titleposition; b("#fancybox-title").remove(); v = 0; if (c.titleshow !== false) { a = b.isfunction(c.titleformat) ? c.titleformat(a, j, n, c) : u(a); if (! (!a || a === "")) { b('
').css({ width: d, paddingleft: c.padding, paddingright: c.padding }).html(a).appendto("body"); switch (c.titleposition) { case "inside": v = b("#fancybox-title").outerheight(true) - c.padding; l.height += v; break; case "over": b("#fancybox-title").css("bottom", c.padding); break; default: b("#fancybox-title").css("bottom", b("#fancybox-title").outerheight(true) * -1); break } b("#fancybox-title").appendto(d).hide() } } }, w = function() { b(document).unbind("keydown.fb").bind("keydown.fb", function(a) { if (a.keycode == 27 && c.enableescapebutton) { a.preventdefault(); b.fancybox.close() } else if (a.keycode == 37) { a.preventdefault(); b.fancybox.prev() } else if (a.keycode == 39) { a.preventdefault(); b.fancybox.next() } }); if (b.fn.mousewheel) { g.unbind("mousewheel.fb"); j.length > 1 && g.bind("mousewheel.fb", function(a, d) { a.preventdefault(); h || d === 0 || (d > 0 ? b.fancybox.prev() : b.fancybox.next()) }) } if (c.shownavarrows) { if (c.cyclic && j.length > 1 || n !== 0) a.show(); if (c.cyclic && j.length > 1 || n != j.length - 1) b.show() } }, x = function() { var a, d; if (j.length - 1 > n) { a = j[n + 1].href; if (typeof a !== "undefined" && a.match(g)) { d = new image; d.src = a } } if (n > 0) { a = j[n - 1].href; if (typeof a !== "undefined" && a.match(g)) { d = new image; d.src = a } } }, l = function() { i.css("overflow", c.scrolling == "auto" ? c.type == "image" || c.type == "iframe" || c.type == "swf" ? "hidden": "auto": c.scrolling == "yes" ? "auto": "visible"); if (!b.support.opacity) { i.get(0).style.removeattribute("filter"); g.get(0).style.removeattribute("filter") } b("#fancybox-title").show(); c.hideoncontentclick && i.one("click", b.fancybox.close); c.hideonoverlayclick && x.one("click", b.fancybox.close); c.showclosebutton && z.show(); w(); b(window).bind("resize.fb", b.fancybox.center); c.centeronscroll ? b(window).bind("scroll.fb", b.fancybox.center) : b(window).unbind("scroll.fb"); b.isfunction(c.oncomplete) && c.oncomplete(j, n, c); h = false; x() }, m = function(a) { var d = math.round(k.width + (l.width - k.width) * a), f = math.round(k.height + (l.height - k.height) * a), o = math.round(k.top + (l.top - k.top) * a), t = math.round(k.left + (l.left - k.left) * a); g.css({ width: d + "px", height: f + "px", top: o + "px", left: t + "px" }); d = math.max(d - c.padding * 2, 0); f = math.max(f - (c.padding * 2 + v * a), 0); i.css({ width: d + "px", height: f + "px" }); if (typeof l.opacity !== "undefined") g.css("opacity", a < 0.5 ? 0.5 : a) }, y = function(a) { var d = a.offset(); d.top += parsefloat(a.css("paddingtop")) || 0; d.left += parsefloat(a.css("paddingleft")) || 0; d.top += parsefloat(a.css("border-top-width")) || 0; d.left += parsefloat(a.css("border-left-width")) || 0; d.width = a.width(); d.height = a.height(); return d }, q = function() { var a = e.orig ? b(e.orig) : false, d = {}; if (a && a.length) { a = y(a); d = { width: a.width + c.padding * 2, height: a.height + c.padding * 2, top: a.top - c.padding - 20, left: a.left - c.padding - 20 } } else { a = k(); d = { width: 1, height: 1, top: a[3] + a[1] * 0.5, left: a[2] + a[0] * 0.5 } } return d }, n = function() { u.hide(); if (g.is(":visible") && b.isfunction(c.oncleanup)) if (c.oncleanup(j, n, c) === false) { b.event.trigger("fancybox-cancel"); h = false; return } j = q; n = p; c = e; i.get(0).scrolltop = 0; i.get(0).scrollleft = 0; if (c.overlayshow) { o && b("select:not(#fancybox-tmp select)").filter(function() { return this.style.visibility !== "hidden" }).css({ visibility: "hidden" }).one("fancybox-cleanup", function() { this.style.visibility = "inherit" }); x.css({ "background-color": c.overlaycolor, opacity: c.overlayopacity }).unbind().show() } l = t(); v(); if (g.is(":visible")) { b(z.add(a).add(b)).hide(); var a = g.position(), d; k = { top: a.top, left: a.left, width: g.width(), height: g.height() }; d = k.width == l.width && k.height == l.height; i.fadeout(c.changefade, function() { var f = function() { i.html(m.contents()).fadein(c.changefade, l) }; b.event.trigger("fancybox-change"); i.empty().css("overflow", "hidden"); if (d) { i.css({ top: c.padding, left: c.padding, width: math.max(l.width - c.padding * 2, 1), height: math.max(l.height - c.padding * 2 - v, 1) }); f() } else { i.css({ top: c.padding, left: c.padding, width: math.max(k.width - c.padding * 2, 1), height: math.max(k.height - c.padding * 2, 1) }); y.prop = 0; b(y).animate({ prop: 1 }, { duration: c.changespeed, easing: c.easingchange, step: m, complete: f }) } }) } else { g.css("opacity", 1); if (c.transitionin == "elastic") { k = q(); i.css({ top: c.padding, left: c.padding, width: math.max(k.width - c.padding * 2, 1), height: math.max(k.height - c.padding * 2, 1) }).html(m.contents()); g.css(k).show(); if (c.opacity) l.opacity = 0; y.prop = 0; b(y).animate({ prop: 1 }, { duration: c.speedin, easing: c.easingin, step: m, complete: l }) } else { i.css({ top: c.padding, left: c.padding, width: math.max(l.width - c.padding * 2, 1), height: math.max(l.height - c.padding * 2 - v, 1) }).html(m.contents()); g.css(l).fadein(c.transitionin == "none" ? 0 : c.speedin, l) } } }, f = function() { m.width(e.width); m.height(e.height); if (e.width == "auto") e.width = m.width(); if (e.height == "auto") e.height = m.height(); n() }, z = function() { h = true; e.width = s.width; e.height = s.height; b("").attr({ id: "fancybox-img", src: s.src, alt: e.title }).appendto(m); n() }, c = function() { j(); var a = q[p], d, f, o, t, w; e = b.extend({}, b.fn.fancybox.defaults, typeof b(a).data("fancybox") == "undefined" ? e: b(a).data("fancybox")); o = a.title || b(a).title || e.title || ""; if (a.nodename && !e.orig) e.orig = b(a).children("img:first").length ? b(a).children("img:first") : b(a); if (o === "" && e.orig) o = e.orig.attr("alt"); d = a.nodename && /^(?:javascript|#)/i.test(a.href) ? e.href || null: e.href || a.href || null; if (e.type) { f = e.type; if (!d) d = e.content } else if (e.content) f = "html"; else if (d) if (d.match(g)) f = "image"; else if (d.match(s)) f = "swf"; else if (b(a).hasclass("iframe")) f = "iframe"; else if (d.match(/#/)) { a = d.substr(d.indexof("#")); f = b(a).length > 0 ? "inline": "ajax" } else f = "ajax"; else f = "inline"; e.type = f; e.href = d; e.title = o; if (e.autodimensions && e.type !== "iframe" && e.type !== "swf") { e.width = "auto"; e.height = "auto" } if (e.modal) { e.overlayshow = true; e.hideonoverlayclick = false; e.hideoncontentclick = false; e.enableescapebutton = false; e.showclosebutton = false } if (b.isfunction(e.onstart)) if (e.onstart(q, p, e) === false) { h = false; return } m.css("padding", 20 + e.padding + e.margin); b(".fancybox-inline-tmp").unbind("fancybox-cancel").bind("fancybox-change", function() { b(this).replacewith(i.children()) }); switch (f) { case "html": m.html(e.content); f(); break; case "inline": b('
').hide().insertbefore(b(a)).bind("fancybox-cleanup", function() { b(this).replacewith(i.children()) }).bind("fancybox-cancel", function() { b(this).replacewith(m.children()) }); b(a).appendto(m); f(); break; case "image": h = false; b.fancybox.showactivity(); s = new image; s.onerror = function() { p() }; s.onload = function() { s.onerror = null; s.onload = null; z() }; s.src = d; break; case "swf": t = ''; w = ""; b.each(e.swf, function(r, r) { t += ''; w += " " + r + '="' + r + '"' }); t += '"; m.html(t); f(); break; case "ajax": a = d.split("#", 2); f = e.ajax.data || {}; if (a.length > 1) { d = a[0]; if (typeof f == "string") f += "&selector=" + a[1]; else f.selector = a[1] } h = false; b.fancybox.showactivity(); e = b.ajax(b.extend(e.ajax, { url: d, data: f, error: p, success: function(r) { if (e.status == 200) { m.html(r); f() } } })); break; case "iframe": b('').appendto(m); n(); break } }, $ = function() { if (u.is(":visible")) { b("div", u).css("top", i * -40 + "px"); i = (i + 1) % 12 } else clearinterval(h) }, aa = function() { if (!b("#fancybox-wrap").length) { b("body").append(m = b('
'), u = b('
'), x = b('
'), g = b('
')); if (!b.support.opacity) { g.addclass("fancybox-ie"); u.addclass("fancybox-ie") } //ycj 修改,去除四周的div用cass实现圆角 /*d = b('
').appendto(g);*/ d = b('
').append('').appendto(g); d.append(i = b('
'), z = b(''), a = b(''), b = b('')); z.click(b.fancybox.close); u.click(b.fancybox.cancel); a.click(function(a) { a.preventdefault(); b.fancybox.prev() }); b.click(function(a) { a.preventdefault(); b.fancybox.next() }); if (o) { x.get(0).style.setexpression("height", "document.body.scrollheight > document.body.offsetheight ? document.body.scrollheight : document.body.offsetheight + 'px'"); u.get(0).style.setexpression("top", "(-20 + (document.documentelement.clientheight ? document.documentelement.clientheight/2 : document.body.clientheight/2 ) + ( ignoreme = document.documentelement.scrolltop ? document.documentelement.scrolltop : document.body.scrolltop )) + 'px'"); d.prepend('') } } }; b.fn.fancybox = function(a) { b(this).data("fancybox", b.extend({}, a, b.metadata ? b(this).metadata() : {})).unbind("click.fb").bind("click.fb", function(d) { d.preventdefault(); if (!h) { h = true; b(this).blur(); q = []; p = 0; d = b(this).attr("rel") || ""; if (!d || d == "" || d === "nofollow") q.push(this); else { q = b("a[rel=" + d + "], area[rel=" + d + "]"); p = q.index(this) } c(); return false } }); return this }; b.fancybox = function(a, d) { if (!h) { h = true; d = typeof d !== "undefined" ? d: {}; q = []; p = d.index || 0; if (b.isarray(a)) { for (var f = 0, o = a.length; f < o; f++) if (typeof a[f] == "object") b(a[f]).data("fancybox", b.extend({}, d, a[f])); else a[f] = b({}).data("fancybox", b.extend({ content: a[f] }, d)); q = jquery.merge(q, a) } else { if (typeof a == "object") b(a).data("fancybox", b.extend({}, d, a)); else a = b({}).data("fancybox", b.extend({ content: a }, d)); q.push(a) } if (p > q.length || p < 0) p = 0; c() } }; b.fancybox.showactivity = function() { clearinterval(h); u.show(); h = setinterval($, 66) }; b.fancybox.hideactivity = function() { u.hide() }; b.fancybox.next = function() { return b.fancybox.pos(n + 1) }; b.fancybox.prev = function() { return b.fancybox.pos(n - 1) }; b.fancybox.pos = function(a) { if (!h) { a = parseint(a, 10); if (a > -1 && j.length > a) { p = a; c() } if (c.cyclic && j.length > 1 && a < 0) { p = j.length - 1; c() } if (c.cyclic && j.length > 1 && a >= j.length) { p = 0; c() } } }; b.fancybox.cancel = function() { if (!h) { h = true; b.event.trigger("fancybox-cancel"); j(); e && b.isfunction(e.oncancel) && e.oncancel(q, p, e); h = false } }; b.fancybox.close = function() { function a() { x.fadeout("fast"); g.hide(); b.event.trigger("fancybox-cleanup"); i.empty(); b.isfunction(c.onclosed) && c.onclosed(j, n, c); j = e = []; n = p = 0; c = e = {}; h = false } if (! (h || g.is(":hidden"))) { h = true; if (c && b.isfunction(c.oncleanup)) if (c.oncleanup(j, n, c) === false) { h = false; return } j(); b(z.add(a).add(b)).hide(); b("#fancybox-title").remove(); g.add(i).add(x).unbind(); b(window).unbind("resize.fb scroll.fb"); b(document).unbind("keydown.fb"); i.css("overflow", "hidden"); if (c.transitionout == "elastic") { k = q(); var d = g.position(); l = { top: d.top, left: d.left, width: g.width(), height: g.height() }; if (c.opacity) l.opacity = 1; y.prop = 1; b(y).animate({ prop: 0 }, { duration: c.speedout, easing: c.easingout, step: m, complete: a }) } else g.fadeout(c.transitionout == "none" ? 0 : c.speedout, a) } }; b.fancybox.resize = function() { var a, d; if (! (h || g.is(":hidden"))) { h = true; a = i.wrapinner("
").children(); d = a.height(); g.css({ height: d + c.padding * 2 + v }); i.css({ height: d }); a.replacewith(a.children()); b.fancybox.center() } }; b.fancybox.center = function() { h = true; var a = k(), d = c.margin, f = {}; f.top = a[3] + (a[1] - (g.height() - v + 40)) * 0.5; f.left = a[2] + (a[0] - (g.width() + 40)) * 0.5; f.top = math.max(a[3] + d, f.top); f.left = math.max(a[2] + d, f.left); g.css(f); h = false }; b.fn.fancybox.defaults = { padding: 10, margin: 20, opacity: false, modal: false, cyclic: false, scrolling: "auto", width: 560, height: 340, autoscale: true, autodimensions: true, centeronscroll: false, ajax: {}, swf: { wmode: "transparent" }, hideonoverlayclick: true, hideoncontentclick: false, overlayshow: true, overlayopacity: 0.3, overlaycolor: "#666", titleshow: true, titleposition: "outside", titleformat: null, transitionin: "fade", transitionout: "fade", speedin: 300, speedout: 300, changespeed: 300, changefade: "fast", easingin: "swing", easingout: "swing", showclosebutton: true, shownavarrows: true, enableescapebutton: true, onstart: null, oncancel: null, oncomplete: null, oncleanup: null, onclosed: null }; b(document).ready(function() { aa() }) })(jquery);